Colorado Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists

Golden Chapter AwardThe Colorado Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists (CAPG) was formed in 1991 to promote and support the objectives of the Association of Professional Genealogists in the State of Colorado. CAPG also provides a forum for exchange of information and ideas among professional genealogists who reside in the State of Colorado.

We are honored to be the recipients of APG Golden Chapter Award for 2021, which recognizes Chapters that show innovative and exemplary support and promotion of their members, APG, and the genealogy profession.

General Meetings

The Colorado Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists (CAPG) holds quarterly general meetings, which normally include a special presentation (speaker, tour, etc.). Visitors are welcomed.

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Genealogy Café

Established in 2020, the Genealogy Café is a monthly member-exclusive event, typically held via Zoom. It began with the goal of ensuring members had the opportunity to engage with each other more frequently. The CAPG quarterly meetings often focus on chapter business and presentations but don’t offer an ample opportunity to network. Genealogy Café topics are directed by membership and focus on subjects such as: business management, professional presentations, professional development, certification, accreditation, education, and of course networking.

Our Genealogy Cafe series for 2025 will begin in March 2025; please check back for details.

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Officers & Reps

President: Sylvia Tracy Doolos
Vice President: Kathy Tarullo
Secretary: Theresa Lewingdon
Treasurer: Janice Prater
Chapter Representative: Lisa Vogele
CCGS Representative: R Glenn York
NGS Representative: Janice Prater

CAPG Members Directory

Find a Colorado Professional Genealogist or Speaker in our CAPG Members Directory.

Jeffrey W. Adams

Author, Historian, Researcher, Presenter
Not taking clients.

APG Profile

Sara Dawson

Descent Detective, LLC

Author, Historian, Speaker.
Taking clients.

Kathleen Emmel, CG

Footprints Genealogy

Researcher; Lecturer – integrating genealogy research with quilts reflecting family history; Graphic Art.
Not taking clients.

Mark Fearer

Ancestral Discovery

Columnist, Genetic Genealogy, Instructor, Lecturer, Oral Historian, Researcher, Jewish Genealogy.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Ariana Franco

Italian translations, Southern Italy, New England.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Eva Holmes, CG, AG

Author/Writer, Editor, Lecturer/Presenter, Researcher
Taking clients.

Deirdre E. Huff, Ph.D.

Elysium Genealogy Services, LLC

Genealogist and Historian Specializing in Premium Research Services for Lineage Society Memberships.
Taking clients.

Nina Ivanichvili

All Language Alliance, Inc.

Global search for foreign heirs. Legal translation, Apostille for probate; dual citizenship; litigation.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Sandy Bennett Johansen

Historian for Hire

Historian, Lineage Society applications and local repository research for the distance researcher.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Ellen S Kowitt

Sole Searching Genealogy & Historical Research

Author, Instructor, Lecturer, Researcher, Jewish Records Specialist.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Mary Jane Kreiman

Key Genealogy

Colorado Researcher, Genetic Genealogist.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Theresa Lewingdon

The Galavanting Genealogist

Genetic Genealogist, Researcher.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Greg Liverman

Pinewood Genealogy

Genetic Genealogy, Instructor, Lecturer, Researcher, Technologist.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Janet F. Long

Cherished Genealogy

Archivist, Author/Writer, Family Heirloom Preservationist, Lecturer/Presenter, Librarian, Oral Historian/Interviewer, Researcher 
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Jaymie Middendorf

​Good Omen Genealogy

Instructor, Lecturer/Presenter, Librarian, Researcher.
Not taking clients.

Jill nock, AG

Mountain State Genealogy

Genetic Genealogist, Oral Historian/Interviewer, Researcher, Transcriber.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Marilyn Roberts

In My Father’s Footsteps

Author, Blogger, Southern Genealogy, New England Genealogy, Lineage Research.
Not taking clients.

Sandra Roberts


Webmaster and Editor.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Kim Rogers

Over 20 years as a researcher and over 10 years as a volunteer archivist.
Taking clients.

Jessica Schneider

Jessica Schneider LLC

Focus on identifying and locating missing/unknown family and heirs, family history, historic documents.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Kelly Sinclair

Family History Writing

Author/Writer, Editor.
Taking clients.

Laurie Sleeper, JD

Tall Trees Genealogy, LLC

Forensic Genealogist, Military Repatriation, Probate, Genetic Genealogist, Researcher.
Taking clients.

Sherri Steele

Tangled Web Genealogy, LLC

Researcher, Genetic Genealogy, DNA – Unknown Parentage, Lineage Society Membership.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Kathleen Tarullo

Instructor, Lecturer, Researcher,
Not taking clients.

APG Profile

Trina Terrell

Not taking clients.

Sylvia Tracy Doolos

New Leaf Genealogy

Consultant, Instructor, and Lecturer, focusing on the British Isles, Ireland and America.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

Lisa Vogele

Travel Your Tree

Researcher, Italy specialist, 19th & 20th century immigration, Speaker, Genealogy Travel & Tour Planner.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

R. Glenn York

Genetic Genealogy, Instructor, Lecturer, Quaker research.
Taking clients.

APG Profile

CAPG Membership

Membership in the Colorado Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists (CAPG) is open to anyone who is a current member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), maintains an interest in Colorado genealogy, supports the APG Code of Ethics, and subscribes to the CAPG Bylaws.

Membership Benefits

  • Inclusion in the CAPG Members Directory
  • Professional development, networking, and knowledge sharing with other professional genealogists
  • Advanced notice of CAPG special events and invited speakers
  • Exclusive access to recorded presentations by invited speakers
  • Join in the Genealogy Café (a member networking forum specially created for CAPG)
  • Exclusive members only access to our private Facebook and LinkedIn groups
  • Discussions and presentations on business best practices, innovations in research, and more
  • All CAPG members may attend board meetings

Dues for Membership in the CAPG

CAPG annual membership dues of only $20.00 are due January 31 of each year. Your dues are the primary source of funding for our chapter.

Join / Renew Now

Please follow the appropriate link below to Join CAPG or Renew your membership:

If you have any questions about membership, please send us an email.

CAPG’s Strategic Plan outlines our mission, vision, goals, and values. 

All images provided by Denver Public Library Special Collections.

Golden Chapter Award


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All images provided by Denver Public Library Special Collections.